Van Nuys DUI Crime Defense Lawyer

Van Nuys DUI Crime Defense Attorney

Getting arrested for DUI can be stressful, but prompt action can protect your rights and options for pursuing a favorable resolution to your case. Contact a Van Nuys DUI criminal defense attorney from the Law Offices of Justin E. Sterling for help. 

Understanding DUI Charges in Van Nuys

California law states that a person may not operate any motor vehicle while under the influence of alcohol or drugs that impact their ability to drive safely. An individual may get arrested for driving under the influence (DUI) if they have drugs in their system that impair their ability to drive, including both illegal narcotics and legal prescription drugs. A person may also face a DUI charge when driving after drinking. A person becomes legally intoxicated by alcohol when their blood alcohol concentration (BAC) is 0.08 percent or more, regardless of their ability to operate a motor vehicle. 

California has a zero-tolerance rule for drivers under 21. Any driver under 21 found with alcohol in their system may face a one-year revocation of their driving privileges. If they have a BAC of 0.05 percent or more, they may face either an underage DUI or an adult DUI charge, depending on the circumstances. 

DUI Criminal Defense Attorney in Van Nuys

Consequences of a DUI Conviction in Van Nuys

A DUI conviction in Van Nuys can have severe consequences, even for a first offense. Penalties for DUI will depend on various factors, including whether you have prior DUI convictions or whether your offense involves aggravating circumstances that result in felony charges. Penalties in DUI cases can include:

  • Incarceration
  • Fines
  • Installation of an ignition interlock device in your vehicle
  • The requirement to attend DUI school
  • Revocation of your driver’s license

In addition, you may face administrative penalties. For example, you may have your driver’s license temporarily revoked for refusing chemical testing if requested by a police officer after a DUI arrest. These administrative penalties may remain in place even if you get your DUI charge dismissed or obtain an acquittal at trial. 

DUI convictions can also have long-term financial consequences, including substantial increases in your insurance rates or difficulty obtaining employment if your DUI shows up on a background check. 

Legal Defenses for DUI Charges

Depending on the circumstances surrounding the stop, you might pursue various defense strategies to fight a Van Nuys DUI charge, such as:

  • Was the stop legal? Police need reasonable suspicion or probable cause to stop a vehicle. If you were pulled over at a DUI checkpoint, your criminal defense lawyer may investigate whether your car was selected objectively. 
  • How reliable are the field sobriety test results? Field sobriety tests such as the horizontal gaze nystagmus test (HGN), one-leg stand test, or walk-and-turn test are standardized measures to evaluate driver impairment. But if the test occurred in poor conditions (e.g., on uneven surfaces or adverse weather) or the officer lacked the training to administer the tests, your DUI defense attorney could argue the results are invalid. 
  • Can you trust chemical test results? Showing officers failed to follow breath testing protocols or identifying a break in the chain of custody of a blood or urine sample could be a valid defense in your case. 
  • Are there medical explanations for your behavior? Certain medical conditions or disabilities can mimic signs of intoxication. 
DUI Criminal Defense Attorney in Van Nuys

Why Choose the Law Offices of Justin E. Sterling in Van Nuys, CA?

The Law Offices of Justin E. Sterling is the right criminal defense law firm to handle your DUI case in Van Nuys. We have: 

  • Extensive experience handling DUI cases in Van Nuys and throughout Southern California
  • Proven record of successful outcomes
  • Commitment to personalized attention for every client 
  • A strategic approach to each case we handle
  • Local connections with prosecutors’ and court offices in Van Nuys

Talk to a DUI Criminal Defense Attorney in Van Nuys Today 

If you’ve been arrested for DUI in Van Nuys, don’t wait to seek legal assistance. Contact the Law Offices of Justin E. Sterling today for a free consultation.