Criminal Defense Attorney in Santa Monica

criminal defense lawyer Santa Monica

Have you been arrested or charged with a crime in Santa Monica, CA? An arrest or conviction may affect your freedom, reputation, and future. When the criminal justice system seems set against you, you need experienced legal counsel to level the playing field. Turn to a Santa Monica criminal defense attorney from the Law Offices of Justin E. Sterling for help. 

Our law firm has the knowledge and resources to handle the most challenging criminal cases. Our extensive litigation experience, which includes more than two decades of legal practice and over 70 trials taken to verdict, has earned us a reputation as one of Southern California’s premier criminal defense firms. Contact us today for a free case review with a criminal defense attorney in Santa Monica.

Fighting for Justice: Why You Need a Criminal Defense Lawyer in Santa Monica

When facing the criminal justice system, don’t leave your freedom and future to chance. An experienced criminal defense attorney will provide knowledgeable legal representation to protect your rights and pursue a favorable resolution to your charges. As a former prosecutor, their background can be advantageous in understanding the prosecution’s strategies and navigating complex cases effectively.

A criminal defense lawyer will protect your rights and pursue a favorable resolution to your charges by:

  • Advising you on your rights as a criminal defendant
  • Independently investigating the charges against you to find all available evidence
  • Reviewing the facts to develop defense strategies tailored to your circumstances, covering a wide range of criminal defense cases
  • Aggressively advocating for the best possible outcome to your case, including challenging the admissibility of evidence, contesting the sufficiency of the state’s case, or presenting a vigorous defense at trial

A criminal defense lawyer handles various types of cases, including domestic violence, drug crimes, juvenile crimes, probation violations, sex crimes, theft crimes, and violent crimes.

Protecting Your Future: Top Tips for Hiring a Criminal Defense Attorney in Santa Monica

How do you choose the right criminal defense lawyer? Keep the following tips in mind:

  • Get personal referrals from trusted family members and friends.
  • Find a California State Bar-certified specialist in criminal law to handle your case.
  • Check online lawyer directories.
  • Avoid large law firms that take an assembly-line approach to cases. Once these firms get your money, they want to resolve your case as quickly as possible to move on to the next one. Instead, choose a reputable law firm that is committed to providing skilled defense and strategic negotiation to achieve favorable outcomes.
  • Watch out for criminal defense lawyers who make promises about the outcome of your case. An attorney should provide you with an honest assessment of your case but never guarantee a specific result.
  • Do your homework. Ask your prospective lawyer about their experience handling the types of criminal charges you face and their track record in court.

What to Do After an Arrest in a Criminal Case 

Following an arrest, you should take immediate steps to protect your rights and interests. You can do this by: 

  • Cooperating with the arrest – Even if you think the police have wrongly arrested you, do not resist. Remain calm and polite.
  • Exercise your right to remain silent – When officers or detectives begin asking you questions, respectfully decline to answer or talk about your case. Tell the officers that you wish to invoke your right to remain silent.
  • Ask to speak with an attorney – Always consult a criminal defense attorney. You have the constitutional right to speak with a lawyer before police question you. 


Get Help from Our Criminal Defense Attorney in Santa Monica, California

If you’ve been arrested and charged with a crime in Santa Monica, you deserve experienced legal representation to protect your rights, reputation, and liberty. Contact the Law Offices of Justin E. Sterling today for a free, confidential consultation with a proven Santa Monica criminal defense lawyer