Criminal Defense Lawyer in Avalon

It is impossible to overstate the gravity of facing criminal accusations or charges in California. A criminal investigation is one of the most invasive experiences a person can experience. And if convicted, you may face hefty fines, incarceration, and a permanent record that can curb your rights and liberties. During such a stressful time, you need a skilled criminal defense attorney to protect your best interests.

It is impossible to overstate the gravity of facing criminal accusations or charges in California. A criminal investigation is one of the most invasive experiences a person can experience. And if convicted, you may face hefty fines, incarceration, and a permanent record that can curb your rights and liberties. During such a stressful time, you need a skilled criminal defense attorney to protect your best interests.

Working with an Avalon criminal defense lawyer at the Law Offices of Justin E. Sterling could optimize your chances of a favorable resolution in your case. With more than two decades of criminal trial experience, our firm has what it takes to mount the aggressive defense you deserve. Contact us today for a free case review.

Role of an Avalon Criminal Defense Attorney

Having an experienced criminal defense lawyer on your side is essential when facing criminal charges in Avalon. Your attorney will review your case and explain what to expect throughout the criminal process. They will also consider the unique facts of your case and build a robust defense strategy that may include:

  • Moving for a case dismissal
  • Negotiating for lesser charges
  • Arranging a plea bargain
  • Arguing for an acquittal in court
  • Requesting a reduced sentence if convicted

At every stage, your attorney will work to uphold and protect your legal rights.

Identifying the Right Defense Attorney in Avalon

Choosing your defense attorney may be the most critical decision you ever make. When selecting a criminal defense lawyer: 

  • Look for someone with a proven track record of success. 
  • Consult with them to ensure they communicate openly, directly, and consistently. 
  • Find an attorney who empathizes with your situation and will fight tirelessly to protect you.
  • Only hire someone who doesn’t guarantee a specific outcome in your case. 

These qualities are signature services provided by the Law Offices of Justin E. Sterling. 

How We Can Help

When you consult the Law Offices of Justin E. Sterling, we will listen to your story without judgment. Our attorney will offer you a frank and transparent assessment of what you are facing. He can assist you during legal interviews, ensure police officers treat you fairly when obtaining evidence, and build an aggressive legal defense to protect your rights. 

Contact the Law Offices of Justin E. Sterling Today

The Avalon criminal defense team at the Law Offices of Justin E. Sterling offers unparalleled dedication, honesty, and commitment to our clients. We have a reputation for excellence within the Los Angeles County legal community and are ready to put our skills and resources to work for you. 

If you are facing criminal charges in Avalon, every moment counts. The sooner you consult with our team, the sooner we can begin crafting your defense. Contact us today for a free consultation with a criminal defense lawyer in Avalon.